Friday, January 29, 2010

love in the time of recession

she's placed
yet i have no place
in her heart
or the recruiters' list.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

the routine + avatar = my last week

The best part about having seen Avatar is that you have something to hide yesterday's mishaps. Whatever my project team had set out to achieve, it wasn't certainly a trip to pandora. And i am not in a mood to disclose them  even to the faithful blog reader.

Cold January mornings are to be spent under the cozy  blanket, add to it the second saturday tag and not even Mr. workaholic would moot my words. Trust me! i left the gentle warmth of the bed at around 5 in the morning and left for Ernakulam.

everything that could go wrong, did indeed go wrong.
You're right.... my blog recently turned into a reservoir of Murphyness. I wish i could talk about blue skinned, tail-ed humanoids and the bewitching landscapes of pandora, but something drags me back, tying me down to the earthy clatters. No prize for guessing what......

With the seventh sem lab exams coming in the week after this,the schedule looks comparatively tight. Somebody had promised that the main project will take care of itself, i trusted him then and he better be spot on.

And miss Devi is claiming a treat for some publicity work(for the blog) in the L.H.(ladies hostel). But apparently, the thing hasn't been working. But,still hats off to her for fighting a lost cause... As to treat , ask you-know-who, he will see to it..... :p

The only good thing that has happened to me the past year has been this blog , and some friendships which came along with it.... love you all, good bye!

Friday, January 1, 2010

a curious year ahead

For the past 3 years, the very moment i got into a new year, it was pretty certain how i was going to end it. Not this time around though. The possibilities are numerous and i don't even have a favourite...  At the end of the year,

1. I maybe expecting my CAT results if something goes by the plan. (keeping my fingers crossed that the blueprint stays hidden from Rats)

2. Btw, campus placement is almost a closed option now that they have announced their 'no standing supply'    theory. (I just raised my fingers, folded 4 of them and  imagined the face of the real duffer who made up   this plan . Join me if you do empathize!!). Anyway, one option down.

3. Its always possible to start writing all those Bank tests and other routine stuff. You know what, i have always felt  that the Indian Banks lack some creativity and would do well to have someone like myself up    their sleeve.Just kiddin! now you know I am getting nervous.

4. And Dad was talking about getting my passport ready. I honestly don't know what's up his mind. I would like to study outside the country, but this is exile.

                    The world has infinite choices. Why waste time on contemplation? All right guys, wish you all a fantastic new year! Just savour each second- you've got 365*24*60*60 of them....

PS: I revert to the original blog name- someone important just told me that it was better :)