Friday, July 9, 2010

chicken soup for the 'not-yet-placed' **

** this is slightly cruel,bordering on sadism and amounting to a criminal offence punishable under IPC section 467-B...... Forgive me.

10 points on why being unemployed isn't so bad as it is hyped to be.

1) Your career is definitely on the rise , as you can't go downwards anymore..... you just hit the rock bottom.

2) You don't have to keep looking for the arrival of the offer letter. At least your internet bills are lower.

3) You don't have to fear enemies lurking behind every shadow. Your best friend(at least who used to be) doesn't offer prayers for you getting the worst exam results you ever could.

4) Attending family functions has become totally inconceivable. So much the better for your health( don't you know, parties cause half of the health issues).

5) You have become insignificant. People will start acting as if you don't exist..... 
you think that's a small matter? well, ask Rooney....he'd have given anything to swap places with you (after the quarter finals)

6) CAT, MAT, GATE, XAT,HAT,BAT........ you have realised the number of competitive exams conducted in the country over a year. That means you have added on to your general awareness.

7)Oh dear, i just can't stretch it to 10....... So it seems your condition is 4 points short of being happily unemployed...

PS:I am not a man for advices but i have found this helpful when life wasn't going my way....

"keep a sense of humour about yourself, and then you might feel your troubles melting away, Nobody escapes life alive anyway...."


  1. he he...... dude cool points.... The highlighting part is the ultimate truth "NOBODY ESCAPES LIFE ALIVE ANYWAY".....

  2. just a passing phase..promise to give me a treat if dont find a good job VERY soon!

    PS-Im a lucky charm :P

  3. And it doesnt essentially move to being asked for punitive damages under the IPC..dumbhead :P
    Ok,no offence..i cant stay formal all the time :)

  4. actually u didnt understand the sadist portion of the story.... i gt in TCS.(ur lucky charm was wrking all these time : ))

    i think i did mention once abt TCS.

  5. $ADI$T............
    enikkathre parayaanulloooooo.......

    vaayikkannu vicharichappo ividem..
    .... placed, not placed

    ee lokhathil oro divasom enthokke nadakkunnu.....

