Monday, April 13, 2009

thanks Raji......i know you haven't done anything for me,but at least you showed it is possible to do something.......

no one is going to come this way(can't they just gaze at the sky?)...well,if someone commits this very mistake,he's going to have all sorts of suspicion over this Raji...

must be his girlfriend;i can see those mudheads(that was the name of a poem,right?) muttering....

unfortunately she's not....of course you are lying(now,will you shut up?)

i don't claim that i am Raja harischandra(did i miss a letter,& that h should've been capital).....but,i know this girl not much more than you,which is to say i almost don't know her at all.......

coming to the point,what did this girl show.......?(careful man,can't you see it has got double meanings? those feminists are gritting their teeth....... hurrey,none's going to come this way!!)

where was i?,yeah..what did this girl ...erm...display?(oh,rude again!)

so by now, you all must have understood one thing... this girl'd inspired me somehow....but how?

ok,she was the one who showed there's no need to think twice about blogging as long as it' your time,your money and your brain(or the lack of it).......

here ends my first blog......

everyone,raise your glasses..... to Raji,the girl who showed[:p]..........


  1. The girl hu made u a negative creep???

  2. never,she was the one who instilled hope........

  3. *touched*

    start blogging..and people wont gaze at the sky any more =P

    and yu've got talent too.

    its amazinnng!

    *high 5*
