Wednesday, June 24, 2009

sunny days-Part 2

Sometimes i feel so stupid of me trying to fill this blog space with nothing much in particular . am neither famous nor a criminal and if you are not both, you better keep your secrets to yourself. I don't have anything earth shattering to disclose. I am the sort of guy who went to school just before the bell rang and came home directly after 4. There was no life in between,nothing to tell my grandchildren i suppose.....But telling a story doesn't necessitates you  be its hero. You can also do the role of Morgan Freeman. (Oh come on,you know that man -the Afro  American with that clear cut accent...)

            Reminiscing is a really good job for those who don't have any occupation of any kind and for those for whom tomorrow is just the future tense of today....(did you get anything?, i certainly did not.... :-) )

            k,let's not make things that complicated. Let's get back to times when the earth used to be round, not the highly technical geoid it's called now... Oh sorry, i'm digressing again(it seems the problem is contagious).

            Back to sunny days, i'll begin with the mornings.... It was usually Basil who woke up first.Please don't misunderstand, the guy has matured now,it was his early years... And i was not much late. We used to go outside for brushing our teeth..inhaling the morning air and of course washing our mouths in the purest water you could get. There was some sort of a stream nearby....not exactly a stream,something like a canal.... Kottayam is a mountainous region and we truly believed a spring was nearby. One day we went in search of the spring and found.......... a cattle shed  with a drainage directly into the nature's purest water......

           I'd mentioned ponnu.... hadn't i? well,he used to call us achachans.... Neerajachachan , Surajachachan etc.... Well,i found it curious as that pronoun was used in my native place to refer to grandfathers..... The colloquial troubles were not new and has no intention of going down quietly ...(my friends will guarantee that)

           We'd 2 different routes to the college. And  we all preferred the shorter ,the more adventurous route. We'd to cross the stream(i don't have to tell you which one)..... And the rains really made the trip adventurous.The water was up to knee level and if you are having workshops (which obviously means you've got shoes) on those days, you are doomed....

             We all had our share of thrills. There was this incident of Anil breaking his leg while crossing this canal. I wouldn't have remembered it had something not happened, that made this thing...... well,unforgettable!  Sunnychayan took him to the hospital and for help he took Jordy along with him. He seemed the obvious choice with his athletic build and all. Everything went on fine until Jordy was to see the stitching work on Anil's leg....... I was not a witness but from whatever Anil told, Jordy fainted the moment he saw blood. And on the return trip,it was Anil who sat at the back of the bike......

          If i were to go on narrating things , then i wouldn't be able to stop anywhere. So i'm leaving parts of it for the next day. By the way, my driving classes are going on fine and i learned one important lesson-i suck at driving.....

So gudbye dudes, thanks for reaching the bottom!


  1. Itz fun readin' like a flashback about those days....hey dont u forget to mention about the horror stories{our situation making when the power goes at night}....!!!

  2. Oh, you unlocked the Anonymous option, na?

  3. But still needed your approval?
    Let the viewers comment their own ideas without any manipulating work.

  4. Hey Neeraj...I feel that something which wz der in ur previous articles in missing in thz one...i liked the one "of course i didnt vote"...i feel something which wz der in tht is missing in thz...what do u think?nd it seems the "anonymous" above is a regular nd constructive critic of urz...;)...

  5. well,first of all thanks... That was the first time i got a real comment...,apart from the 'regular and constructive critic' on top of you(he is Basil..and if u r a regular reader u've met him before)..
    Maybe there's a difference...Like every other blogger, i want to see people reading my posts..Maybe,now I've understood why art film directors sometimes make commercial films too.. I think u gt my point...
